Saturday, July 23, 2011

Love You Hate You Miss You

Title: Love You Hate You Miss You by Elizabeth Scott

Publication Date: May 26, 2009
Publisher: HarperTeen

This book was like a roller coaster for me, some times I loved it and then other times I wanted to skip to the parts where I loved. ( I stuck it out though) This book is good for teaching a lesson on why drinking and party aren't such a good idea. The main character, Amy has to go through life without her best friend. Julia believes her boyfriend Kevin who cheats on her and lies about it is the love of her life. Amy doesn't believe in love and just thinks of sex as something without connection until she meets a boy who makes her feel those sparks. The book is believable as in a lot of teenagers go out and party. I believe in the end of the book Amy actually figured out the most important lesson and to accept that everyone makes their own choices.

Amy- I wasn't fond of her at first but, she grew on me. She had to learn the hard way about what her and Julia's partying was truly about. I didn't like how she still treated Caro even if Caro wasn't treating her just as well.

Amy's parents- They would not win the parent of the year before the death of Julia. This whole thing brought them to focus on their daughter as they realize they both don't really know her. I enjoyed some of the touching scenes were her parents try to reach out to her. 

Caro/Amy friendship: 1/5 I find that the author could of done without the friendship between them because I didn't really feel the connection. 

Letters to Julia- This is a big part of the book which helps for Amy to be strengthened. 

Julia's mother- I really did not like Julia's mother but, I understand she was going through a lot with her daughter dead and the best friend alive. She made me want to punch her..... (that's all I can say without giving too much)


Cover: 5/5 The cover is incredibly gorgeous 

Lesson on drinking/partying: 5/5

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