Title: Midnight Frost (Mythos Academy#5) by Jennifer Estep
Publication Date: July 30th 2013
ARC copy Thankfully given to me for an honest review via Net Galley
Book Summary
Life at Mythos Academy gets more dangerous for Gwen when a Reaper tried to poison her in the Library of Antiquities. The good news is she is alive but, the bad new is someone else was poisoned by the Reaper instead. Everyone expects Gwen to lead the charge against the Reapers because she is Nike's Champion. She has to find the antidote fast or someone innocent will die.
Life at Mythos Academy gets more dangerous for Gwen when a Reaper tried to poison her in the Library of Antiquities. The good news is she is alive but, the bad new is someone else was poisoned by the Reaper instead. Everyone expects Gwen to lead the charge against the Reapers because she is Nike's Champion. She has to find the antidote fast or someone innocent will die.
Gwen- Gwen has come along way since the first book in Mythos Academy series. Her character is more of a fighter now but, she still has her moments of weakness which makes her more real like.
Daphne-Daphne is Gwen's best friend. She is opposite of Gwen, she loves the color pink and acts really girly where as Gwen is kind of a tomboy. Daphne like Gwen, has come along way since the first book. Even though Daphne is a girly girl, she is a fierce fighter.
Alexei- Alexei is a Bogatyr. He is one of my favorite characters in Mythos Academy series. He seems to be fitting into the series quite well.
Oliver- Oliver is the only one who Logan is basically keeping in contact with. We don't get too much from him about Logan but, enough to know how he is.
Coach Ajax-Even though Coach Ajax appears in the other books in Mythos Academy series, in Midnight Frost, he has a bigger role. I loved the fact that we get to see him have a bigger part in the series because he only seemed to be in the other books a little. Coach Ajax is a Spartan.
Rory- She is a new character introduced into the Mythos Academy series. Even though her character is first introduced as a rude girl, I enjoyed her character. She is a feisty Spartan. I hope we see more of Rory in the next book even if it is a short part.
Favorite Scene/Quotes
"All right, all right," I groused. "You can stay. But only because you're cute, and I need some eye candy to look at."
I really enjoyed Midnight Frost but, I didn't like it as much as I enjoyed Crimson Frost (Book 4). The action seemed to be less in this book compared to the previous book. I was so excited when I got accepted to read this early via Netgalley but, I felt less excited during some of Midnight Frost. Jennifer Estep does a lovely job writing Midnight Frost as she has with the other books in this series.
Daphne-Daphne is Gwen's best friend. She is opposite of Gwen, she loves the color pink and acts really girly where as Gwen is kind of a tomboy. Daphne like Gwen, has come along way since the first book. Even though Daphne is a girly girl, she is a fierce fighter.
Alexei- Alexei is a Bogatyr. He is one of my favorite characters in Mythos Academy series. He seems to be fitting into the series quite well.
Oliver- Oliver is the only one who Logan is basically keeping in contact with. We don't get too much from him about Logan but, enough to know how he is.
Coach Ajax-Even though Coach Ajax appears in the other books in Mythos Academy series, in Midnight Frost, he has a bigger role. I loved the fact that we get to see him have a bigger part in the series because he only seemed to be in the other books a little. Coach Ajax is a Spartan.
Rory- She is a new character introduced into the Mythos Academy series. Even though her character is first introduced as a rude girl, I enjoyed her character. She is a feisty Spartan. I hope we see more of Rory in the next book even if it is a short part.
+/- or Dislikes/likes
(+) I love the concept of trying to prevent a war with the reapers
(+) Gwen and the team going to another academy for a visit
(-) Logan doesn't come into the story until later on.
(-) The person who gets poisoned :(
(-/+) The Reapers
(+)Action packed
(+)Fight Scenes
(+) I love the cover
(+)Learning more about Gwen's family
(+)Learning more about Gwen's family
Favorite Scene/Quotes
"All right, all right," I groused. "You can stay. But only because you're cute, and I need some eye candy to look at."
I really enjoyed Midnight Frost but, I didn't like it as much as I enjoyed Crimson Frost (Book 4). The action seemed to be less in this book compared to the previous book. I was so excited when I got accepted to read this early via Netgalley but, I felt less excited during some of Midnight Frost. Jennifer Estep does a lovely job writing Midnight Frost as she has with the other books in this series.
Do you dislike the person who gets poisoned ore that he/she gets poisoned?
ReplyDeleteI don't remember who the other person who got poisoned was but, I don't think I disliked them. It made for a good book/ storyline. Have you read this series?
DeleteYes, I have.
DeleteAwesome, What do you think of the series?
ReplyDeleteActually, I really love it. Nearly all of my friends have read it, because I told them about it and all of them liked it to, except for one. But sometimes it remindes me in some points pretty much on Harry Potter (a process and nobody seems to like the protagonist, someone else than just her husband loved the protagonist's mother, hero(ine) witnisses the return of the super evil dude…) But I still like it (But, to be honest, Harry Potter is still much more awesome ;)). Btw, excuse me for possible spelling/grammar/something else mistakes, I'm not a native speeker and am still at school. I can't wait until the last book is published here, I have already bought it in London :)